“Chemistry Experiments” is a guide for students and teachers who look for various experiments in chemistry. I will be mainly focusing on chemical, fertilizers, water, effluent, latex, dry rubber testing in my latest blog. I hope these experiments will definitely help students & teachers. Please mail me if you all need any further assistance or help in any of these tests.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Give the expression for alkalinity of latex
'Grams of ammonia per 100gm of water in the latex' OR 'milliequivalent of alkali per 100gm of water in the latex'
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What are elastomers?
Elastomers are high polymers having elastic properties in excess of 300%.
eg: Rubber.
eg: Rubber.
What are the principal sources of error in determinig TSC of latex?
Weighing error, Incomplete drying & oxidation.
Define Total Solid Content (TSC) of Latex
TSC is defined as the % by weight of the whole which is non volatile at a definite temperature in an open atmosphere.
Determination of Dry Rubber content(DRC) of field latex

DRC is the quantity in gm of rubber present in 100gm latex.
To determine the DRC of field latex.
- Cotton waste
- 50ml erlenmeyer flask
- Rubber stopper
- Electronic balance
- 250ml beaker
- Air oven
- Glass rod
- Wash bottle
- Field latex
- Distilled water
- 2% Acetic acid
- Shake well the given sample of latex bottle.
- Transfer 20-25ml of latex into a 50ml erlenmeyer flask provided with a stopper.
- Weigh about 10-20gm latex using an electronic balance into a 250ml beaker.
- Note the weight.
- Add equal amount of distilled water using a wash bottle & measuring cylinder.

- Keep the above contents undisturbed for a while.
- Add about 2-3ml of 2% acetic acid per gm of latex with gentle stirring.

- Keep the solution undisturbed for 15minutes in a water bath.
- When the serum is clear, filter the serum through whatman No:1 filter paper.
- Thickness of the coagulum is reduced to about 2mm by handroller.
- Collect any small particles of coagulum in the beaker by rubbing with main bulk.
- Wash the coagulum with running water for atleast 6 changes of water.
- Dry the coagulum at a temperature of 70 degree celsius for 1 day or for 50 degree celsius for 2 days.
- Cool & take the weight of the coagulum.
- Determination must be duplicated
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Preparation of 5% Ammonium Molybdate solution
- Weigh 5gm Ammonium molybdate.
- Dissolve it in 100ml hot distilled water.
- This is how 5% Ammonium molybdate solution is prepared.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
DRC of Cenex
To determine the DRC of Cenex(Concentrated latex.
To determine the DRC of Cenex(Concentrated latex.
- 2% acetic acid solution
- distilled water.
- Cotton waste
- Rubber stopper
- Wash bottle
- 50ml Erlenmeyer flask
- Electronic balance
- 250ml beaker
- Oven
- Glass rod
- Measuring jar
- Shake the sample bottle of latex.
- Transfer 20-25ml of above latex into 50ml Erlenmeyer flask provided with a stopper.
- Weigh about 7-10gm latex in a 250ml beaker.
- Note the weight. A duplicate is also done.
- Add twice the amount of distilled water per gm of latex.
- Add double the amount of 2% acetic acid per gm of latex with constant stirring using a glass rod till the serum gets clear.
- When the serum gets clear, filter through whatman No:1 filter paper
- Thickness of the coagulum is reduced to about 2mm by hand roller.
- Collect any small particles of coagulum from the beaker & filter paper by rubbing with the main bulk.
- Wash the coagulum with running water for atleast 6 changes of water.
- Dry the coagulum at a temperature of 50 degree celsius in an oven for 12 hours.
- If it is not dried uniformly, then pass the coagulum through a mixing mill. Again dry in an oven at 60 degree for1 hour.
- Cool for a while & take the final weight.
- From the weight of the dried film & the initial weight of latex taken, the DRC of Cenex can be calculated.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Preparation of 2% Acetic acid solution in 1 litre water
Method is very simple.
Take 20ml acetic acid solution & dilute to 1 litre in a large vessel.This is how 2% acetic acid solution is prepared.
Take 20ml acetic acid solution & dilute to 1 litre in a large vessel.This is how 2% acetic acid solution is prepared.
Define Dry Rubber Content (DRC) of latex
DRC of latex is defined as the quantity in gm of rubber present in 100gm of latex
DRC = (weight of dried film/ initial weight of latex)* 100
DRC = (weight of dried film/ initial weight of latex)* 100
Conversion of phenol to p-nitrosophenol
In my M.Sc project I got the opportunity to do the synthesis of paracetamol from phenol at Kerala State Drugs & pharmaceuticals Ltd in Kerala State.This experiment is the first stage in the conversion of phenol to paracetamol.
In my M.Sc project I got the opportunity to do the synthesis of paracetamol from phenol at Kerala State Drugs & pharmaceuticals Ltd in Kerala State.This experiment is the first stage in the conversion of phenol to paracetamol.
To convert phenol to p-nitrosophenol.
- Phenol 9.41gm
- distilled water 10ml
- 20ml 50 % con sulphuric acid
- Ice
- Sodium nitrite solution( 6.9gm dissolved in 10ml distilled water)
- Chilled water
- 250ml beaker
- Vessel filled with water( for cooling purpose)
- Thermometer
- Centrifuge
- glass rod
- In a beaker approximately 9.41g phenol & 10ml water is taken.
- The contents in the beaker are cooled to +9 degree celsius by placing it in a vessel filled with water.
- The temperature is noted with the help of a thermometer.
- When the temperature is +9 degree celsius add 20ml 50% con sulphuric acid slowly with the help of a glass rod & ice is charged to it to bring down the temperature to +2 degree celsius.
- When the temperature is +2 degree celsius, sodium nitrite solution is slowly added to the beaker.
- On complete addition, the beaker is taken out from the vessel & the contents are kept stirred for 1 hour to complete the formation of nitroso product.
- This is then centrifuged & washed with chilled water to remove sulphates.
- The p-nitrosophenol obtained is kept ready for the next reaction.
I took 2 hours for completing the reaction.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Total Solid Of Latex
To determine the total solid of given latex.
50ml Erlenmeyer flask,Rubber stopper,2 petridish, Electronic balance, dessicator, oven
To determine the total solid of given latex.
50ml Erlenmeyer flask,Rubber stopper,2 petridish, Electronic balance, dessicator, oven
- Take about 20ml of well mixed latex sample in a stoppered erlenmeyer flask.
- .Before adding latex, the erlenmeyer flask should be cleaned & dried.
- Wash & dry a petridish of 60mm diameter in an air oven.
- Cool the petridish for a while & take the weight. Note the weight.
- Weigh about 2gm latex from the erlenmeyer flask & pour it into the previously weighed petridish.
- Note the weight of latex taken.
- Swirl the petridish gently to ensure that latex cover the bottom of the dish.
- Dry the test portion in an air oven at a temperature of 70 degree celsius for 16 hour.
- Cool in a dessicator & weigh as quickly as possible .
- Repeat the drying operation until the loss in weight is less than 1mg during a period of 30 minutes for temperature between 70-75 degree celsius.
- From the weight of latex taken,weight of petridish alone & the weight of the dried film, the Total Solid Content of latex can be calculated.
Preparation Of 0.1N HCl in 100ml standard flask
- 1ml con HCl is diluted to 100ml
- This is how 0.1N HCl is prepared in 100ml standard flask.
Total Alkalinity OR Ammonia Content Of Latex
The term denotes the free alkali content of latex.
50ml Erlenmeyer flask,Stopper,500ml beaker, glass rod, Electronic balance,burette.
Latex, distilled water, Methyl Red indicator, 0.1N HCl
- Take about 20-25ml of well mixed sample of latex in a stoppered erlenmeyer flask.
- Take 200ml distilled water in a 500ml beaker.Add 5-6 drops of methyl red indicator. A yellow color is obtained.
- Weigh 2gm latex from the erlenmeyer flask & note the weight.
- Pour this latex into the beaker containing methyl red indicator.( step 2 mentioned above).
- The contents are titrated with 0.1N HCl from the burette till the yellow color changes to pink.Note down the volume of the acid.
From the weight of latex taken, volume of HCl & the normality of HCl, the Ammonia content of latex can be calculated
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What is an indicator?
Indicator is the substance which denotes the completion of a reaction in a titration by colour change. Examples of indicators are Methyl Red, Methyl Orange,Phenolphthalein
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Liquid Ammonia Purity
Care should be taken while handling liquid Ammonia.This is a simple experiment.In the lab students should open the bottle of Ammonia under the guidance of a teacher.
When I was at Rubber Research Institute Of India, I got the opportunity to test the purity of liquid Ammonia.
When I was at Rubber Research Institute Of India, I got the opportunity to test the purity of liquid Ammonia.
Lets go to the experiment.
Electronic balance,50ml Erlenmeyer flask, 500ml beaker, burette, glass rod.
Distilled water,methyl red indicator,1N HCl
- Transfer 20- 25ml liquid ammonia to a 50ml erlenmeyer flask provided with a stopper.
- Take 300ml distilled water in a 500ml beaker.
- Weigh 1-2 gm of liquid Ammonia from erlenmeyer flask using the electronic balance.
- Note the weight.
- The above weight of liquid Ammonia is added to 300ml distilled water taken in 500ml beaker.(already mentioned)
- This step should be immediately done.
- Add 1 drop of methyl red indicator to the beaker.
- Titrate against 1N HCl taken in the burette.
- Stirr the contents in the beaker using a glass rod while the titration is done.
- At the endpoint a pink color is obtained.
From the normality of HCl, volume of HCl & the weight of the sample taken , the purity of liquid Ammonia can be calculated
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