Thursday, September 30, 2010

Molarity & Molar solution

Molarity is a chemical unit used to express the concentration or strength of a solution. What do you mean by molarity?
Definition for molarity
Molarity is the number of moles of solute present in one litre of the solution. In general we can say that
Molarity of the solution=Number of moles of the solute/Volume of the solution in litres
Also we can say that if w is the weight in grams of solute dissolved in V litres of the solution & if M is the gram molecular weight of the solute, then we can say that
Molarity= w/MV
Definition for one molar solution
One molar solution means it contains one mole of the solute dissolved in one litre of the solution.

Solution,Solvent & Solute

Do you know what are solutions, solvents & solutes? A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is known as solutions . It is important to note that solute is the substance present in minor quantities & solvent is the substance present in larger proportions.

Normality & Normal solution

Every chemistry students should be familiar with these terms. Actually what is normality? First remember that normality is a chemical unit used to express the concentration of a solution. Do you know the definition for normality?
Definition for normality
Normality is the number of gram equivalent of the solute present in one litre of the solution. In general we can say that
Normality of the solution=Number of gram equivalent of solute/Litres of solution.
Also it is important to note that if w is the weight in gram of the solute & E is the equivalent weight of the solute present in V litres of the solution, then
Normality of the solution =w/EV
We can prove this by the following problems:
Problem 1:

How can we calculate the number of grams of solute in 300ml of 1.5N NaOH solution?


Given normality=1.5 N

Volume of the solution= 300ml= 0.3 litre=V

Equivalent weight of NaOH =40=E

So here the equation used is Normality of the solution= w/EV

Therefore w=1.5*40*o.3=18 gram

Problem 2:

How can we calculate the normality of a solution containing 224gram KOH in 2 litre of the solution?


Normality=Number of gram equivalent of the solute/Volume of the solution in litre

Here volume = 2 litre

Number of gram equivalent of the solute=224/56=4

Therefore normality=4/2=2N

Definition for one normal solution

One normal solution means it contains one gram equivalent weight of the solute per litre of the solution.

Mole fraction of a solute

What is mole fraction of a solute? This is the ratio of number of moles of the solute to the total number of moles present in the solution. In general we can say that
Mole fraction of the solute= Number of moles of the solute/Total number of moles present in the solution
For example : Do you know how to calculate the mole fraction of CH3OH in a solution which contains 64gram of CH3OH in 144 gram of H2O?
  • CH3OH is methanol. So mole fraction of methanol is calculated using the above equation. That means number of moles of solute= 64/32=2
  • Total number of moles present in the solution=( 64/32) + (144/18) = 2+8=10
  • Mole fraction of methanol=2/10=0.2

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fehling's solution

What do you mean by fehling's solution? This is an alkaline solution of a complex copper tartrate & is prepared by adding a solution of CuSO4 to an alkaline solution of Rochelle salt. Do you know what is rochelle salt? Rochelle salt is sodium potassium tartrate. Remember that this solution is violet in colour . On warming with aldehyde this is reduced to a red precipitate of Cu2O.

Fenton's reagent

Chemistry students should be familiar with some important reagents. This post is about fenton's reagent. It is important to note that fenton's reagent is a mixture of ferrous sulphate & hydrogen peroxide. For the oxidation of ethylene glycol to glycol aldehyde, fenton's reagent is used.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Sublimation is an important process for the purification of organic compounds. That means from non volatile substances, volatile organic compounds are separated by this process.
  • What do you mean by sublimation?

Sublimation is the direct conversion of solid into a vapour state. Examples of substances having sublimation property are dry ice, iodine,naphthalene, camphor etc.

Fractional crystallisation

This is a process used in the purification of organic compounds. Suppose there are two solids with different solubilities. And they are soluble in the same solvent, then fractional crystallisation is used to separate them.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

which is the acid obtained when P4O10 is dissolved in cold water?

  • metaphosphoric acid, HPO3

Give the formula for oleum

  • H2S2O7

What is oleum?

  • Fuming sulphuric acid

What is the commercial name for sodium hexametaphosphate?

  • Calgon

Superphosphate of lime

  • Ca(H2PO4)2 + CaSO4

Define acid & base according to lewis theory

According to Lewis theory, an acid is an electron pair acceptor & base is an electron pair donor.

What do you mean by etching?

An example of silicate material is glass. Remember that silica is represented as SiO2.So compounds containing silica & silicates are attacked by hydrogen fluoride gas or its aqueous solution. When reacted with HF gas, SiF4 gas is evolved. This is represented as

SiO2 + 4HF--->2H2O + SiF4.

But in solutions H2SiF6 is formed. This is given as

SiO2 + 6HF----> H2SiF6 + 2H2O.

Etching means the attack of HF on glass.

Hydrogen diffuses faster than chlorine. why?

  • This is based on graham's law of diffusion. That means gases with low molecular weight or low density diffuses fast. In the case of hydrogen molecular weight is 2 & for chlorine gas it is 71. So hydrogen diffuses more faster than chlorine.

What is fenton's reagent?

  • Fenton's reagent is a mixture of Fe2+ & H2O2.

When comparing p-nitrophenol & o-nitrophenol which is a stronger acid & why?

  • p-nitrophenol is a stronger acid than o-nitrophenol. This is because in o-nitrophenol intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present which makes o-nitrophenol a weaker acid.

Li resembles Mg in properties although they belong to different groups. Why?

  • This is because of diagonal relationship. Also they have the same atomic size.

In fire extinguishers CCl4 is used. why?

  • The important property of CCl4 vapours is that they are non-inflammable. Due to this property they are used in fire extinguishers.

Concentrated nitric acid turns skin yellow. why?

  • This is because concentrated nitric acid converts protein into yellow xanthoproteic acid & so the skin turns yellow.
  • Nitric acid is represented as HNO3.

Orthophosphoric acid is tribasic but phosphorous acid is dibasic. why?

  • Orthophosphoric acid is H3PO4 & phosphorous acid is H3PO3.
  • In orthophosphoric acid there are three hydrogen atoms linked to oxygen atoms but in phosphorous acid there are two hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen atoms while the third hydrogen atom is directly linked to phosphorous. So orthophosphoric acid is tribasic & phosphorous acid is dibasic.

Give reasons

Cuprous chloride is diamagnetic while cupric chloride is paramagnetic. why?
  • Cuprous ion is represented as Cu+ & cupric ions is represented as Cu++. The electronic configuration of cuprous ion is 1s22s22p63s23p63d10.Here we can see that there are no unpaired electrons . So they are said to be diamagnetic in nature.
  • The electronic configuration of cupric ions is 1s22s22p63s23p63d9. It is important to note that here there is one unpaired electron. So cupric ions are paramagnetic in nature.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chloroform is stored in dark colored bottles. why?

This is because in the presence of air chloroform is oxidised to phosgene. To prevent the formation of phosgene, they are stored in dark colored bottles.
CHCl3 + 1/2 O2 ---->HCl + COCl2.

Phosgene is represented as COCl2. This is poisonous.

What are isotonic solutions?

Solutions which have the same osmotic pressure are called isotonic solutions.

Living in an atmosphere of CO is dangerous. Why?

  • This is because CO combines with haemoglobin & forms carboxyhaemoglobin which is incapable of carrying oxygen.

Atom is said to be electrically neutral. why?

  • In an atom equal number of positively charged protons & negatively charged electrons are present. So they are said to be electrically neutral.

Zinc is able to displace silver from AgNO3 solution. why?

The oxidation potential of zinc is more positive than that of silver. So zinc is able to displace silver from AgNO3 solution.

What are the characteristics of buffer solutions?

  • Definite pH
  • It is important that the pH value should remain steady on keeping or on dilution or on adding small amount of acid or alkali to it.